When was the new village built?
The first stone of the new village
was laid during a ceremony on sunday July 26, 1970 (Sainte-Anne's day).
End 1971, the construction of the official buildings
(town hall, post office, school, church) was started in the middle of truffle oaks,
in a setting that bore no resemblance to a future village.
September 26, 1972, the two church bells of the old village were installed in the new tower...
taking advantage of the presence of a hoist to do the job.
Since that date and for over more than a year, the Sallois lived in the old village,
far from the familiar chime that had always ticked the hours of their days.
The first evidence of life in the new village was the inauguration by Raymond Taxil of the hotel restaurant "Le Verdon"
on Thursday July 12, 1973. The next day, July 13, 1973 at noon, the "Auberge des Salles" opened in its turn...
for only 4, amongst which Mr and Mrs Marc Doreau.
Owned by the Anot family for several generations, the "Auberge du Coin Perdu" however continued
to function in the old village, even after the inauguration of the "Auberge des Salles"
runned by the same family in an almost deserted new village.
In the autumn of 1973, when the school year started in the new school,
the pupils had to walk along the road that separated them from the old village where they continued to live.
End of 1973 and Jan. 1974 the homes of the residents of the old village were gradually built
to relodge the Sallois in a hurry.
The formal inauguration of the new village was held on Saturday, January 22, 1977
"on the hardly finished fronts of houses, perfectly aligned along nameless streets".